
Blood Bowl Advertisements Create a Charity Megapot for Adolescent Mental Health

The relationship between Blood Bowl and charity work is a well-established one at this point in the game’s history. Many tournament organizers use NAF tournaments as a way to raise money for their favorite causes, whether in support of cancer research, animal care, or assistance for former service members. Podcasters have also run many successful …

Blood Bowl Advertisements Create a Charity Megapot for Adolescent Mental Health Read More »


Leaning into the Tilt Here’s the situation: it’s 0-0 in your turn 8 and you received. You have had a blinder of a first half and completely outplayed your opponent. He’s got five guys in the KO box, unlucky, chump! It’s been a textbook 8-turn drive, but he has got lucky and managed to tag …

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