XML upload issues

One of the awesome reasons for using tournament software is the XML upload file that it automatically generates for the NAF site. But sometimes it doesn’t work – argh!

If it fails, try the following things. Remember that any XML file is a regular text file, so you have the option to open and edit in every simple text editor such as Notepad. This might be easier or faster than fixing the error in the software that created the XML file.

  • Correct the NAF numbers and names – the website will tell you if some combinations are wrong.
  • Spaces after any of the NAF numbers will cause a “this is not xml” message.  Remove them and try again.
  • Exotic characters – umlauts and accents might cause “this is not xml” message depending on your OS and the encoding. This can be often fixed by resaving the file with encoding set to UTF-8 (as opposed to ANSI or other).

Finally, if you don’t succeed, reach out! There are plenty of NAF staff and regular users willing to help you.