Eurobowl Minutes 2015

Representatives (not all captains – some not in place, some unable to attend) present from:
England, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Denmark, Scotland, Sweden, Portugal, Wales, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Malta, Switzerland, Finand plus Beppe and Dave.

There was a discussion about allowing Catalunia to take part in EB. This wasn’t something that many of the participants had thought about, nor did many seem to understand the issues. Spanish representative told us that there were political discussions in Spain about Catalunia becoming a separate nation. Spanish representative felt we should await the outcome of that (rather more important!) vote first. Our group held a vote and most representatives voted against Catalunia taking part in EB at this time, some abstained.

There was then a presentation from Sweden (Lard and Ozt) and Portugal (Haktar and OON) for EB 2016 and 2017. The Swedish presentation has been superceded by the subsequent release of the Eurobowl 2016 website, and here is the Portugal presenation for Eurobowl 2017.

Orebro 22/23 October 2016
Porto 14/15 October 2017, though this is not 100% fixed

eurobowl2016There were some questions about costs for Sweden EB. This has not been finalised but they are aiming for a price of less than 100 Euro for entry only (not accommodation). Beers may be 4-6 Euro each. Venue staff made aware of beer requirements, projected quantities from previous EBs. The idea seems to be to ensure beer supplies do not run out!

Portugese costs also not finalised but there was a strong feeling that general costs will be quite cheap e.g. price of beer!

There were particular discussions around the Swedish EB rules. Sweden wanted to change the scoring system around bonus points to give smaller bonuses for narrow wins vs. bigger wins (see presentation). Several representatives raised general concerns about changing the rules given previous discussions. Agreed there would ultimately be a vote before this is decided. Some representatives (Denmark, England) felt this was in fact a move away from the importance of the “team win” and in fact might mean teams could profit from large wins 7.5-0.5 or 8-0 etc. even if losing other matches. It was felt (by some) that there had been positive strides away from this in recent years, and that we would effectively be moving back towards these old problems.

There was a vote to decide whether we accepted the Swedish presentation for EB 2016 and this was accepted unanimously.

Minutes taken by Pipey.

4 thoughts on “Eurobowl Minutes 2015”

  1. Regarding thé Catalunya “issue”.
    I do not make politics, and we shouldn’t. But as long as you allow Wales or Scotland, whyvnoy Catalunya ??
    After all, Scotland also votre for independance without success. But who would say they have no part in the competition ?? Not me.

    Can’t we be more clever than our politics ? Can’t we accept that people want to play for a nation and not for a country ?
    Blood bowl is not a political action, it’s just a game.

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