Good Habits Guide (new)

Last Update: May 2024

Before Your Match

  1. Introduce yourself, share your NAF/real name, and share your coaching likes and dislikes.
  2. Present your team, explain your players’ skills, and how you show that a mini has acted.
  3. Discuss and agree on what amount of ‘take backs’ are allowed.
  4. Present your dice, explain what any symbols mean, how you will consistently roll them and deal with any unclear, illegal and/or out-of-sequence rolls.   
  5. Sharing dice when asked is a NAF rule! The tournament organiser will provide neutral dice if needed.

During Your Match

  1. Do not complain about dice, do not throw tantrums and be humble if your dice are great. 
  2. Be honest. Remind your opponent about rules they may have forgotten (e.g. rolling armour).
  3. Explain your actions clearly. Avoid confusion.
  4. Avoid profanity and/or aggressive language, behaviour and attitudes unless you have made sure it is okay with your opponent.
  5. Try to stick to shared languages and not exclude your opponent verbally, including when discussing with teammates.
  6. Do not waste time trying to influence the result because it could be ruled as cheating. If you want to make sure about keeping time, use a chess clock.
  7. If a rules issue comes up, call a ref and respect the ref’s decision.
  8. At the end of the game, wish your opponent good luck the rest of the way!

During the Tournament

  1. Respect the organiser: Read the tournament rules, be on time, get a feel for the vibe of the event, introduce yourself, do not interfere with others’ matches and keep the venue clean. 
  2. If alcohol is allowed, drink responsibly.
  3. Take full responsibility in getting your results to the tournament organiser.