Rankings Update August

Following the previous Rankings post, a fair amount of testing has gone on getting the rankings working, so thank you to everyone who has been patient with the various iterations.  We think we’re there now!

So, some points to be aware of:

  • when new games are added, and the button is pressed, it will take a few hours for these to be reflected in the statistics.
  • the Fumbbl games are being added gradually.  Most of the coaches have been identified, but as with tabletop NAF tournaments, non-NAF coaches were allowed to take part so not all games will be in the NAF database.  Massive thanks to Christer for his support with this.
  • where previous variant tournaments were recorded as Blood Bowl rather than a variant, they will need to be changed to the variant.  Again, this is happening gradually.
  • one small remaining bug is that the “net CR” calculation for a particular tournament still needs sorting.
  • on the Coach Page, you can now sort your races alphabetically or numerically top to bottom, by clicking on the header of each column.
  • we would still encourage previous Tournament Organisers to add the winners etc of their tournaments, by clicking on Edit.  Some have reported that this is not working for them, so do email contact@thenaf.net if you have problems with this.

The development team is now taking a break fro the rest of August, but there will be some exciting developments coming in September.  Watch this space!

And if you spot any problems, please do comment below…

1 thought on “Rankings Update August”

  1. If you are a true stats nut, you might notice that some of the Online CR changes are slightly different to what you might expect. That’s because of differences in TV between the exported teams. We’re just considering how this should be treated – wasn’t something we thought of beforehand!

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