Go-For-It- Failure Rate

Does it seem like every time you “Go-For-It” you land on your feet? For some player’s that sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach seems to happen every turn in a match. But in actuality it’s still happening only 1 in 6 times.
Consider this: I play a friend who goes for it (GFI) with almost all of his players every turn. Let’s say, for arguments sake, that he GFIs with only five players a turn. At that rate, he would GFI 80 times in a single match. Now, if you go by the 1 in 6 rule, then he would fail his GFIs 13.3 times! If, however, he only GFIs with one player, once a turn, he would GFI 16 times in a match. At that rate he would fail GFIs 2.6 times a match. That’s a big difference!

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